Watch this quicktime movie (1.7Meg) to view Life Forms and ElectricImage in action.

The movement for this movie was created and applied to the EI Sundancer model in Life Forms, then exported into EI for rendering, lighting, and production.

Follow tutorial one below to learn how to combine the power of Life Forms and EI yourself.


David Saraceno,
forensic animator with DigitaLaw

"Life Forms Studio 3.0 brings a wealth of enhancements that streamline creating realistic character movements for animations."



To use Life Forms with ElectricImage you must have EIAS or EI Broadcast, and the EI BIoVision Plugin (available bundled with Life Forms from our order page).

Pull down these menus to learn more about how Life Forms works with ElectricImage:


(IMPORTANT: the Life Forms and ElectricImage project files necessary to complete these tutorials must be downloaded from the "GetDown" section below)


  • Learn how to move your models into Life Forms from ElectricImage,
  • how to create movement in Life Forms, and
  • how to export your movement to ElectricImage



Return here frequently for new project files and updates

Tutorial One downloads:


Life Forms plugins related to Electric Image:


For our comprehensive list of plugins visit our plugins page.

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